Jumat, 04 Mei 2012

Unit 6 SAP : Human Capital Management

1. Sebutkan fungsi-fungsi human capital management!
To compete effectively, and you can maximize the value of your employees and align employee skills, activity, and incentives with business objectives and strategies.

2. Outline the task associated within my SAP ERP HCM
The solution optimizes each employee's contribution by aligning employee skills, activities, and incentives with business objectives and the strategies to reach them. It also provides tools to manage, measure, and reward individual and team contributions.

3. Explain how SAP within mySAP HCM supports key process in HCM
mySAP ERP HCM provides the tools to manage, measure, and reward individual and team contributions.

4. Differentiate between SAP HR organizational element and master data
Infotypes - Master data di SAP HR diadakan di infotypes. Sejak master data adalah elemen data kunci di mana pengguna perlu dibatasi pembatasan infotype menjadi sangat penting dalam konteks SAP HR.

5. Describe an orgazational plan and identify its organizational elements
You create an organizational plan, which is comprehensive and dynamic model of the structural and personnel environment in your enterprise. Its have some of the key terms used in Organizational Management that same with organizational elements.

6. Describe the manager's desktop and the functions it supports
Repsenting staffing requirements, advertising, managing and selecting applicant correpondence.

7. List the recruitment activities and functions that drive a successful recruitment plan
A typical process in Recruitment may involve the following steps :
· The vacant positions are published in job advertisements.
· The applicants’ data is entered in system (name, address, qualifications, applicants’ number, and so on).
· A complex selection process takes place, culminating in a decision being made.
· The employment contracts are generated for the applicants who are to be hired.
· The applicant data is transferred to HCM master data.

8. Describe how personnel time is managed and evaluated in the human resources module
By the process of recording employee’s activity and development. The Time Management component supports you in all processes that concern planning, recording, and valuating employees’ attendance and absence times.

9. Define how payroll is managed within an organization using the human resources component
mySAP ERP Financial have the record of employee’s activity and its calculate employee’s remuneration for the work that they performed.

10.Manfaat dari modul mySAP HCM
Mempermudah dan mempersingkat waktu untuk segala kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan tenaga kerja bagi suatu perusahaan.

11.Gambarkan proses mySAP HCM

-Organisasi Manajemen
- Data Aplikasi
- Manajemen Personalia
- Pengembangan Karyawan
-Pelatihan dan Event Management
- Manajemen Waktu
- Daftar gaji
-Personnnel Biaya Perencanaan

12.Gambarkan the organizational plan
Anda dapat menggunakan manajemen organisasi dengan cepat dan efektif memetakan struktur organisasi Anda dan pelaporan dengan objek organisasi yang relevan. Anda membuat rencana organisasi, yang merupakan model comprerensive dan dinamis lingkungan struktural dan personel di perusahaan Anda.

13. Jelaskan konsep-konsep organizational unit, job,position, persons
· Organizational unit describe the various business units in your organization. Several organizational units, along with their relationships, make up the organizational structure. Organizational units can be divided according to functional or regional criteria, for example.
· Job are general descriptions or templates that apply to several positions with comparable requirements, tasks, and characteristics.
· Position is the smallest organ
izational units of the organizational structure. They represent the distribution of tasks amongst individual employees in the organization. Position is occupied by person.
· Persons occupy positions within the organizational structure. They represent the employees in your organization.

14. Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan recuitment dan sumbernya
The process from entering applicant data to staffing a position. This applies both to external applicants, that is, new hires, and to internal employees changing position.

15. Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan
Being unoccupied, emptiness, not filled, empty, an unoccupied position or job.

16.Jelaskan gambaran from vacancy to hiring

17.Jelaskan. Typical process in recruitment
A typical process in Recruitment may involve the following steps :
· The vacant positions are published in job advertisements.
· The applicants’ data is entered in system (name, address, qualifications, applicants’ number, and so on).
· A complex selection process takes place, culminating in a decision being made.
· The employment contracts are generated for the applicants who are to be hired.
· The applicant data is transferred to HCM master data.

18. Jelaskan personnel management
Integration between Recruitment and Personnel Administration enables the applicant data to transferred as employee data, which you the
n have to supplement. Employee data is stored in mySAP ERP HCM as infotype records. The data can be displayed, copied, corrected, and deleted.

19. Dimana disimpannya employee data?
Di Master Data, pada Personnel File.

20. Sebutkan tiga cara memaintain infotype
You can maintain infotypes in various ways:
· Single-screen maintenance (one infotype for one person)
· Personnel actions (sequence of infotype for one person)
· Fast entry (one infotype for multiple persons)

21. Jelaskan HCM structure
Enterprise Structure – to the – Personnel Structure – to the – Organizational Structure.

22. Jelaskan personnel action
Personnel Action: sequence of infotypes to generate complex personel basic data.

23. Berikan contoh infotype
Personal Data : Name, Date of Birth, Address, so on.

24. Jelaskan personnel development
In the Personnel Development component, you can plan and realize personnel development and further education and training for your employees, with integration with Training and Event Management. The personnel development requirements result from a comparison of the requirements of the job and the employee’s existing qualifications.

25. Darimana sumber personnel development?
The personnel development require
ments result from a comparison of the requirements of the job and the employee’s existing qualifications.

26. Jelaskan gambar personnel development

27. Jelaskan training and event management
Training and event management is a highly integrated component that supports you in planning, executing, and managing your training courses and business events.

29. Jelaskan empat proses utama dalam training and event management
1. Preparation of Business Event:
· Business event environment
· Create business event groups
· Create business event types
2. Business event Catalog:
· Create business event dates with and without resources
· Plan business event dates based on requirements
3. Day-to-day Activities:
· Book
· Prebook
· Replace
· Rebook
· Cancel
Business events
o Correspondence
4. Recurring Tasks:
· Firmly book / cancel
· Lock / unlock
· Follow up
Business events
o Carry out appraisals
o Repost costs, allocate activities and issue invoices

30. Jelaskan time management
The Time Management component supports you in all processes that concern planning, recording, and valuating employees’ attendance and absence times.

31. Jelaskan proses time management
Record – Valuate – Use Time Data.

32. Sebutkan cara mencatat time management.
There are various options available for recording time data such as hours worked, vacation, off-site work, or substitutions:
· Online by time administrators (using the Time Manager’s Workplace, for example)
· Using front-end time recording systems
· Using the mySAP ERP Cross-Application Time Sheet (CATS)
· Using Employee Self-Service applications (ESS)

33. Dimana disimpannya time management?
Time data is stored in special time infotype, in the same way as HR master data is stored

34. Jelaskan appraisal
The appraisal functionality in Personnel Development supports you with flexible appraisal processes that you can use to carry out standardizes appraisals with the highest level of objectivity.

35. Gambarkan appraisal
· 360 appraisal
· Course appraisals
· Personnel appraisal
· Survey
· Target setting and appraisal

36. Bagaimana mengintegrasikan appraisal dengan mySAP HCM
Integration with mySAP ERP HCM Personnel Development enables you to transfer requirements profiles from positions or qualifications from the qualifications catalogdirectly to your employees’ individual objective-setting agreements.

37. Jelaskan payroll
It encompasses a multitude of processes, such as the creation of payroll result and salary statements, bank transfers, and payment by check. The processes include a number of follow-on activities, such as transferring the result to mySAP ERP Financials.

38. Jelaskan gambaran payroll

An employees remuneration is calculated in two main steps :
-grouping the remuneration element , that is, the gross payroll
-legal and voluntary deductions, that is, the country specific net payroll

39. Jelaskan tahap perhitungan employee remuneration
An employees’ remuneration is calculated in two main steps:
1) Grouping the remuneration elements, that is, the gross payroll.
2) Legal and voluntary deductions, that is, the country-specific net payroll.

40. Jelaskan personnel cost planning
Personnel Cost Planning and simulation can draw from a very wide data basis and can be integrated with other applications. Its supports business processes that reach beyond the boundaries of departments and applications. Information about payment can be derived from various sources to create personnel cost plans.

41. Jelaskan penggunaan personnel cost planning
- Menciptakan anggaran pelatihan untuk manajemen pelatihan acara ang
- Mentransfer data untuk mengendalikan
- Mengekstraksi proyeksi biaya untuk analisis lebih lanjut dapat di gudang informasi bisnis SAP

42. Jelaskan gambar personnel cost planning

Unit 5: Lesson 3: Management Accounting

1.    Jelaskan mySAP Financials application component controlling
Contains all accounting function necessary for efective controlling.

2.    Jelaskan bagaimana cara pandang membagi akuntansi dari perspektif internal dan eksterneal perusahaan.
If an organizational divides accounting into internal  and external  viewpoints, CO represents the  internal  accounting perspective because it provides information for managers-those who are inside an organization and are charged with directing sand controlling its operation.

3.    Tujuan dari financial statement
Financial statements required for external reporting purposes (for examples, balance sheet and P&L statements) are created in F1. These external reportingrequirements are typically established by general accounting standards like GAAP or IAS, as well as by various legal requirements mandated by regulatory authorities.

4.   Jelaskan FI dan CO
For created a financial statements required.

5.    Jelaskan dan gambarkan component of management accounting.

6.   Jelaskan komponed CO dan EC (enterprise controlling) terdiri dari beberapa key controlling capabilities.. apa saja?
· Cost center accounting
It is useful for a source related assignment od overhead costs to the location where they occurred.
· Internal orders
You use internal orders to collect and control cost according to the job that incurred the costs.
· Activity Based Costing
Activity Based costing analyzes cross departemental business processes.
·Product cost controlling
Product cost controlling calculates the cocts tahat occur during manufacture of a product or provision of a service.
·Profitability analysis
     Profitability Analysis analyzes the profit or loss of an      organization by individual market segment.

7.    Jelaskan cost center accounting
It is useful for a source related assignment od overhead costs to the location where they occurred.

8.   Jelaskan Internal orders
You use internal orders to collect and control cost according to the job that incurred the costs

9.   Jelaskan Activity based costing
Activity Based costing analyzes cross departemental business processes

10. Jelaskan Product cost controlling
Product cost controlling calculates the cocts tahat occur during manufacture of a product or provision of a service.

11.  Jelaskan Profitability analysis
 Profitability Analysis analyzes the profit or loss of an      organization by individual market segment.

12. Sebutkan dua key enterprise capabilities
ü  Profit center accounting: Profit center accounting evaluates the profit or loss individual, independent areas within organization.
ü  Consolidation : Enterprise Controlling Consolidation (EC-CS) provides the ability to consolidate financial data for both external (legal) and external (profit center) accounting perspectives.

13. Jelaskan profit center accounting
Enterprise controlling’s profit Center Accounting (EC-PCA) provides you with an internal view of your profitability. EC-PCA makes it possible to valuate the operating profit of different areas or units within your enterprise.

14. Jelaskan Consolidation
Enterprise Controlling Consolidation (EC-CS) provides the ability to consolidate financial data for both external (legal) and external (profit center) accounting perspectives.

15. Jelaskan master data
The mySAP Financials Controlling application carries out cost and revenue element accounting in a single controlling area only, the primary organizational element of controlling.

16. Gambarkan organizational element in controlling

17. Jelaskan the controlling area
The controlling area forms a framework within which CO processes cost and revenue element transactions and all CO documents.
The controlling area represents a closed system used for cost accounting purposes within an organization.

18. Jelaskan overhead cost controlling
Overhead in planning, monitoring, control and coordination in such areas as research and development , procurement , work scheduling and maintenance is gaining more importance.

19. gambarkan Overhead cost controlling

20. Jelaskan cost center accounting
Cost centers are divisions that add to the cost of the organization,
but only indirectly add to the profit of the company.Typical examples include Research and Development, Marketing and Customer serviceCost ElementBasically, cost element are carriers of costs.Primary cost elements are like materail costs, personnel costs, energy costs...where a corresponding GL account exists in FI..to allow costs to flow...Secondary cost elements are like production costs, material overheads, production overheads, they can be created and administered in only CO. These are used in internal cost allocation, overhead calculation, settlement transactions., it does not flow to FI...
21. Jelaskan Internal oder
An internal order is used to accumulate cost for a specific project or task for a specific time period. An internal order is therefore used for a short period with a specific deadline.
Your internal order will usually settle to cost centers (and not visa versa) according to the settlement rule in the order setup.
An internal order can therefore be used to group all the expenses incurred to plan and hold a conference over a 3 month period. The order can be settled on a monthly basis to cost centers. When the conference is finished the order can be settled finally. The cost of the conference will then be spread over 2 or more cost centers, but can be viewed in total on the internal order when needed.
Internal Orders - It is an instrument used to monitor costs and, in some instances, the revenues of an organization.
Uses of Internal orders
- Monitoring the costs of short-term jobs
- Monitoring the costs and revenues of a specific service
- On going cost control
22. Jelaskan jenis-jenis internal order
Internal order categories
- Overhead Orders
- Investment Orders
- Accrual Orders
- Orders with revenue
23. Gambarkan  internal order
activity based costing (ABC) adalah model biaya khusus yang mengidentifikasi kegiatan dalam sebuah organisasi dan memberikan biaya setiap kegiatan dengan sumber daya untuk semua produk dan layanan sesuai dengan konsumsi aktual oleh masing-masing. Model ini memberikan lebih banyak biaya tidak langsung (overhead) ke dalam biaya langsung dibandingkan dengan model biaya konvensional.
24. Jelaskan activity based costing

25. Jelaskan Product cost controlling

26. Jelaskan tools product cost controlling

27. Jelaskan manfaat dari  product cost contro lling

28. gambarkan activity based costing.

29. Jelaskan profit center accounting
Profit Center Accounting has three ingredients.
-"Natural" pusat laba didefinisikan. "Proyek" adalah pusat laba alam di perusahaan jasa profesional ("masalah", dalam firma hukum.) Seorang manajer proyek, atau pokok keterlibatan, berfungsi sebagai "Departemen" (misalnya, supermarket toko makanan, toko serba gaun desainer) "Proyek CEO." adalah pusat laba alami dalam rantai barang dikemas. Pro-forma Laba Pusat Laporan
-Pendapatan dan beban dialokasikan ke pusat-pusat laba. Pusat Laba yang dikreditkan dengan pendapatan yang mereka hasilkan. Beban (misalnya, tenaga kerja, biaya-of-barang, perjalanan) yang dikeluarkan oleh pusat laba dibebankan langsung. Biaya tidak langsung (overhead dan G & A) algorithmically dialokasikan ke pusat. Menurut definisi, suatu organisasi adalah menguntungkan jika semua pusat perusahaan adalah menguntungkan.
-The “books are closed” dan P & L pernyataan diproduksi pada akhir "alami" siklus bisnis - bulanan, untuk perusahaan jasa profesional, mingguan, untuk merchanidisers. Nah yang dikelola perusahaan jasa profesional menempatkan proyek P & L di tangan manajer 1-2 hari setelah akhir setiap bulan: berjalan baik departemen manajer toko mendapatkan mereka setiap Senin pagi.
Dalam organisasi besar, tingkat rendah P & Ls roll-up ke pusat-pusat yang lebih tinggi tingkat keuntungan. Proyek P & Ls roll-up ke divisi P & L yang pada gilirannya roll-anak sampai dengan P & L. Di toko, departemen P & Ls mungkin roll-up untuk menyimpan, daerah, banner, dan korporasi.
30  Jelaskan Integration

31. Jelaskan financial accounting
financial accounting adalah bidang akuntansi dalam hal penyusunan laporan keuangan bagi para pengambil keputusan, seperti pemegang saham, pemasok, bank, karyawan, instansi pemerintah, pemilik, dan stakeholders lainnya. Pemeliharaan modal keuangan dapat diukur baik dalam satuan moneter nominal atau unit daya beli konstan . Kebutuhan mendasar untuk akuntansi keuangan adalah untuk mengurangi masalah principal-agent dengan mengukur dan memantau kinerja agen dan melaporkan hasilnya kepada pengguna yang tertarik.
32. Jelaskan asset accounting

33. Jelaskan material management

34. Jelaskan material consumption ?
What is consumption? One of the first things that sprang to mind as we broached the subject of capitalism in class was, perhaps surprisingly, that of nutrition. If we consider consumption as the ever-multiplying products marketed to cater to ever-refined and nuanced human needs, how do we consider food in this economically-driven schema? Never mind junk food or even genetically modified foods: let’s take a quick look at processed foods –those which respond to a growing concern for fat content and an increasing demand for protein, sometimes from unusual sources such as powders (whey), soy and even bread products. We turn to these products whose marketing campaign provides the nutritional information we tend rely on (if not exclusively) to identify our dietary needs.  Take a fruit-flavored cereal bar, which lists anywhere from 10 to 20 ingredients, most of which unidentifiable to the average consumer. Because it is a cereal bar (and thereby fits in to a very large-scale ‘whole grains’ nutritional campaign which has enabled cereal products to be remarketed at full-force, after a slight decline caused by the ‘low-carb’ trend), we identify it first as a grain product and subsequently as a healthy snack or breakfast alternative, due to its association with fruit, usually a signifier of whole foods and of freshness (and often in direct opposition with less wholesome flavors such as chocolate).  To make a long story short, the informational monopoly exercised by the food industry, or by any industry which by definition owns the means of production, not simply creates and enforces its own symbolic discourse but alienates the consumer from even grasping modes of production. The consumer becomes unable to fully comprehend the distinction between an artisanal croissant and a thawed industrial product sold in a bakery chain. As the former disappears, we come to rely on the availability of a finished product which we are conditioned to recognize but are unable to dissect or reproduce at home. Our food, as per the questionable myths of convenience and nutritional or flavor optimization, is now firmly implanted in our minds in terms of its exchange-value, and no longer in terms of labor or even of the integrity of its ingredients. This issue is also part of the question of class –for the largest consumers of processed foods are the middle and lower classes, while the eating practices of the privileged are defined by the quality of ingredients (such as certain cuts of meat, organic produce) and their integrity (little processed foods) –and most importantly by their having help to reduce the preparation and shopping time this entails.
35. Jelaskan production planning .

36. Jelaskan Personnel administration and payroll

37. Gambarkan Cost and Revenue element accounting

Unit 5: Lesson 2: Financial Accounting

1. Jelaskan general ledger
2. General ledger posting merupakan hasil dari....
3. Tiga tingkatan dalam general ledger
4. Jelaskan hubungannya dengan cost accounting
5. the integration of posting data is reflected in...
6. Gambarkan financial accounting
7. Jelaskan a shared database
8. Jelaskan account receivable dan peranannya
9. Gambarkan account receivable
10. Jelaskan account payable
11. Jelaskan accounting document dan jenis-jenisnya..
12. Berikan contoh accounting document
13. Berikan contoh processing document
14. Jelaskan Payment dan hubungannya dengan enter document
15. Jelaskan travel management and expense reimbursement
16. Jelaskan payment and transfer to payroll accounting..

1. General ledger :
Operations transaction (for example, issue of goods causes material issue posting) if the SAP materials management (MM) system is active and integrated
Posting transaction in subdiary (asset acquisition in fixed assets) if the SAP asset accounting (FI-AA) system is active and integrated
Transaction originally assigned to the general ledger, if the general ledger (FI-GL) system is active

2. hasil dari sebuah jurnal

3. - master data
- Transaction data
- Reporting

4. Akuntasi biaya yaitu proses pencatatan, penggolongan, penyajian biaya pembuatan dan penjualan produk atau jasa, dengancara-cara tertentu, serta penafsiran terhadapnya, objek kegiatan akuntasi biaya adalah biaya.

5. the general legder through subsidiary ledger

6. Account recevable : the FI accounts receivable component is responsible for monitoring and controlling customer accounts within SAP R/3’s financial accounting component. Account analysis,alarm reports, due date list, and a flexible dunning system all make it easier to keep track of open items.

7. A shared database means:
-      Non redundant data creation and maintance
-      Documentation and review system that can be clearly verified at any time
-      Complete access to all applications
-      Reporting and information system that can be fully customized

8. Account payable : SAP R/3’s FI accounts payable component manages accounting data for all vendors. Its also an integral component of the acquisition process.

9. Accounting documents : accounting documents are the result of a posting in fnancial accounting. There are two types of documents :
Original documents
Processing documents

10. Contoh accounting documents :
Example of original documents :
Bank statements
Example of processing documents :
Accounting documents
Sample documents
Reccuring entry documents

11. Example of processing documents :
Accounting documents
Sample documents
Reccuring entry documents

12. Payments : when you enter documents, the system checks wheter the minimum account assigments have been made, for example, document date, posting date, document type, posting key, account number, and amount.

13. Travel management and expanse reimbursement : trips cost time and money- not only for the person travelling, but for everyone involved in the planning, approving, veryfing, and accounting of trips. Toda, travel management is expected to support all of the bussines processes involved with a bussines trip in one single procedur.

14. Payment and transfer to payroll accounting : payment of expense can be accomplished via financial accounting, payroll aaccounting, or data medium exchange (DME) with credit institutions. Whether travel expanse ar paid payroll accounting in your company or not, the result are transferred to payroll accounting if there are additional amounts for taxation.

Unit 5: Lesson 1: Accounting Foundation

1. Jelaskan keterkaitan antara modul SAP R/3 accounting system dengan modul yang lainnya dalam SAP?
The accounting system with its various sub units is a crictical part of the SAP solution. The integration of the various aspects of accounting with each area other and with logistics and human resources applications becomes a management tool for all company departments.

2. Jelaskan peran dari modul  SAP R/3 accounting system?
Tools available To the management team so they can produce reports that track progress and results on internal basis

3. Jelaskan bagaimana  SAP R/3 accounting system di setiap negara?
 Financial accounting
- G/L Accounting
- Accounts payable and accounts receivable
- Aseet accounting

4. Sebutkan komponen dari  SAP R/3 accounting system?
–Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable
–Asset Accounting

5. Sebutkan komponen Financial Accounting (F1)?
Komponen Corporate Finance Management (CFM) :
- Corporate finance management (planning, analysis,decision support,     finance transaction,payments, and risk capabilities in various group       teasury management (cash,stocks, bonds, and derivatives) enterprise     controlling includes:
- EIS (executive information system)
- Profit center accounting
- Legal consilidation

6. Sebutkan komponen Corporate Finance Management (CFM)?
Profitabiility and sales accounting includes: profitability analysis

7. Sebutkan Profitability and sales accounting ?
Komponen product cost controlling:
- Product cost planning
- Cost object controlling

8. Sebutkan komponen Product Cost Controlling ?
Komponen ovrhead cost controlling :
- Cost centers
- Internal orders
- Activity based costing

9. Sebutkan komponen Overhead Cost Controlling ?
Allows company-wide planning of capital investment programs and control of individual capital investment measure

10 Jelaskan Investment management ?
Project management : allows efficients planning, cost sensitive control, and target orieted implementation of project with comprehensive integration with controlling and logistics

11. Jelaskan Project management ?
 General ledger :
- Operation transaction (for example : issue of goods causes material issue posting) if the SAP materials management (MM) system is active and integrated
- Posting transaction in subdiary ledgers (asset acquisition in fixed assets) if the SAP asset accounting (FI-AA) system is active and integrated
- Transaction originally assigned to the general ledger, if the general ledger (FI-GL) system active

12. Jelaskan Generkal Ledger?
In financial accounting, a balance sheet or statement of financial position is a summary of the financial balances of a sole proprietorship, a business partnership, a corporation or other business organization, such as an LLC or an LLP. Assets, liabilities and ownership equity are listed as of a specific date, such as the end of its financial year

13. Balance sheet?
The profit and loss statement and the balance sheet are the two major financial reports that every public company publishes.

14. Loss statement?
 - Company
This represent a legally autonomous entity, composed of one or more company codes
- Company code
This represent the tax law (national) view of the company. Fiscal calendar, local currency, and tax reporting requirements determine the design of the complete and reconciled tracking system.
- Bussines area
This helps depict internal structures for external segment reporting. You use the bussines area to analyze selected balance sheet items and profit and loss statements for product divisions or regional structures
- Functional area
This area dislays the profit and loss statement according to cost of sales accounting. This in comparison to period accounting,which differs depending on the request.
- Profit center
With its flexible design, the controling term is used to depict internal areas of responbility.

15. bagaimana smaster yarat  sistem akuntansi yang efektif?
 The FI component offers a flexible methode for setting up general ledger to meet various goals concerning legal issue, value flow, and classification of postings. The chart of accounts is a classification system defined by accounting to record values or value flows.

16. Jelaskan konsep-konsep company, company code, business area, functional area, profit center?
- as an operational chart of account : the operational chart of accounts contains the accounts currently used in day to day transaction with the system.
- As a local chart of account : the local chart of accounts contains the account that area necessary to fulfill legal requirements.
- As a group chart of account : the group of accounts contains all accounts that apply throughout the corporate group.

17. chart of account, ?
 Costumer Master
A costumer master contains key information that defines the business relationship between a company and its costumer.Company code data controls the posting procedure and subsequent processing,such as payments and dunning.Sales organization data provides information on costumers for support execution of such business processes as entering sales orders,shipping,billing,and processing payment.

18. jelaskan fungsi-fungsi yang dapat dijalankan oleh chart of account ?
 The costumer master;s three part structure is represented by:
General Data: This data is equally relevant to every company code and every sales organization within a company
Data for Company Codes: This data reflects company-specific agreements with costumer.
Data for Sales : This data has different characteristics for a company’s sales organizations and channels.

19. Jelaskan customer master data?
Vendor master account payable : the vendor master record contains all the information a company needs for its bussines relationships with vendors

20. Jelaskan struktur master record untuk customer master data?
The vendor master record provides the folowing

21. Jelaskan vendor master -- account payable ?
 Overview of all data for a given vendor

22. Jelaskan yang disediakan oleh vendor master -- account payable?
 Flexible data access

23. Jelaskan general data?
Baseline data used to control payment transactions and to represent bussiness process ( preliminary invoice posting). In addition the vendor master record’s flexible design is well suited for special needs

24. Jelaskan COmpany code data?
General data : includes address and telecomunications data (telephone, facsimile ang telex infrmation) general vendor information (coorporate group, industry branch) as well as bank details.

25. Jelaskan Purchasing organization data?
Company code data : includes company specific policies concering payment transactions, dunnng procedurs, and correspondence information.

26. Jelaskan asset management?
 Purchasing organization data : includes inquiry, order, and voice verification information. This data is only needed if you make use of the SAP systems purchasing function.

27. jelaskan asset class, asset master record?
 Asset management : increasing automation makes lanning and monitoring of fixed assets for eksternal and internal accounting purpose ever more important. In addition to pure accounting and balance sheet preparation, three are extensive requirements for controlling and maintanance monitoring.

28. Jelaskan account balance ?
 Account balance : a line item display provides an overview of the open, cleared, and parked items from an account. You determine about the individual line items is to be displayed on the screen.

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