tahun 1972 di Jerman
2. Pendiri?
- Hasso Plattner
- Dietmar Hopp
- Claus Wellenreuther
- Klaus Tschira
- Hans-Werner Hektor
3. Singkatan SAP diawal?
System Analysis and Program Development
4. Singkatan SAP sekarang?
System Application and Product in Data Processing
5. Menjelaskan konsep dan sejaran ERP system?
- MRP I = Material requirements planning
- MRP II = Manufacture Resources Planning
- ERP = Enterprise Resources Planning
6. Jelaskan beda antara SAP sebagai solution dan sebagai aplikasi?
- solution di awali dengan mySAP
- aplications di awali hurup SAP
7. Gambaran karyawan SAP?
karyawan SAP memiliki skill komputer di ats rata rata dan mampu bekerja secara cepat dan efesien.
8. An exemplary corporate culture?
New employees are introduced to the SAP world through special orientation event, trainee progras, and a mentoring concept that ensures each employee has practical guidance during this time. Since a team metality is highly valued at SAP, all employees can rely entirely on their colleagues
9. Achievement orientation, creativity and innovation?
The SAP culture offers a large amount of personal freedom. This freedom motivates an inspires employees to develop and realize their ideas creative and innovative concepts are always welcom whithin the team and news ideas are supported
10. Training through personal development?
SAP employees know they need to be able to react flexibly to changes, and their knowledge always has to be up to date.
11. Contoh konsumen SAP?
simens,sony,nokia,honda dll
12. Portal SAP?
Most of the information in this lesson is taken from SAP’s Internet portal. For more information, visit www.sap.com. You can find information about the company and its products, service, and partners.
13. Social engagement?
As the leading global provider of enterprise software SAP has a resposibility to ensure that its business processes are smooth and tranperent. Howaver SAP dose just have responsibilities to its customer and partners but also to society in general
14. Corporate citizenship?
SAP would like to play its part in the creation of a prdoductive and transperent environmen that is benefit to everyone SAP promotes partnerships and cooperation with all social organizations that also respect this goal, and is actively engaged in social, scientific, and cultural activities
15. regional engagement?
promote development-seize future opportunities thourgh innovation. under this motto, SAP supports organizations and institute in the local area of its branch offics.
16. Government relations?
We take seriosly our responsibilities as competent partner an adviser, as a thought leader, and development leader. SAP therefore supports national an international programs that are customer-friendly, fair, reliable , and based on a market economy.
17. Sport sponsorhsip?
Speed, precision, and tangible result are reason behind SAP’s global leader ship ad provider of enterpries software.
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